Meanwhile at a Local WMA…

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We made a discovery at a local wildlife management area that was a perfect environment for many varieties of insects. Below is a sampling of pictures we took over the course of two visits. (There’s a lot)

  1. Butterfly Species: On our visits, we observed several species of butterflies fluttering among the wildflowers. The diverse colors and patterns were mesmerizing, showcasing the beauty of nature’s artistry. The Zebra Swallowtail was one of the ones that really caught our attention. This was our first sighting of one of these. Exciting!

  2. Dragonflies: We were captivated by the sight of dragonflies darting everywhere. Their iridescent wings glinted in the light as they caught midges flying nearby.

  3. Grasshoppers: We encountered numerous grasshoppers camouflaged among the tall grass. They blended seamlessly into their surroundings, a reminder of nature’s efficiency in adaptation.

  4. Spiders: A few varieties of spiders showed up, sometimes accidentally. Jumping spiders are so photogenic, but very aware of our presence and were a bit skittish.

  5. Bees: So many pollinators! We saw one fascinating bee that looked furry. You’ll see what we mean below.

  6. Others: There were so many others that were either too small or too fast. Common insects, like lovebugs, beetles, mosquitos and ants. There was plenty of other avian creatures and mammals to marvel over.

These observations provide just a glimpse into the rich diversity of insect life thriving in this environment. Each species plays a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance, highlighting the importance of preserving such natural habitats.

Enjoy the gallery!


Baby Carolina Wrens