Baby Carolina Wrens

Taking their first steps…

The babies are in training! We’ve watched as the parents built the nest, nurtured the eggs, fed the babies and now, helping them as fledglings. It’s amazing!

Literally, the moment we set up this birdhouse the parents took over. (Feb. 25, 2023) They were truly in a rush to get the nest built in a secure location. We’re so happy they chose the Kaleidoscope Garden to start their family.

As you can see below, the babies are being fed and guarded. 34 days later, (March 31) they’re leaving the nest!

The entire family is very social. Even though we were very careful to keep our distance, they come up to Mia, probably knowing her voice from the garden. One of the babies was on her shirt and another on her pants. The parents watch carefully to make sure everyone’s safe.


Meanwhile at a Local WMA…


Cedar Waxwing Sighting